How Photography Connects Us

Notes On Ted Talk :
- carries this power
- freezes a significant moment
- everyone has a different view
- photography creates a story that touches everyone
- shows the devastation of different issues
- also shows the hope in the world
- get amazing stories from taking photography
- gives real connections to people

David Griffin presented very interesting points of how photography connects us all and how it can give stories. The examples of the photographs gave had either funny or devastating stories behind them. How he was saying photography can example either the positive or negative realities. The main example that mainly stuck with me that was the man who took photos of the leopard seals and how he was able to capture them. This showed the positives of how photography really captures memories kept from taking these photos.
I liked how he related the photographs people take to memories because it made it easier for the listener to understand how photography does this. He then relates this to a story he shared with his son. The thing I liked about this story is how it had different perspectives, his son's, himself, and his friend's. This related to what he was discussing about looking at photography in a different way because each person has a different perspective of how they view the image just like how people have memories, each person's memory of a situation is different.
Lastly, the idea described by Griffin about how photography has this power I found to be very true. By seeing a photo taken it can cause different emotions to be shown again relating back to this idea of different perspectives people have while seeing photography. The story described about a man who took the photos of the sanctuary related to this idea a lot. Many might find the images cute, scary, dark, creative, etc. but the thing that stands out is the different emotions caused by the photograph showing how photography plays and causes different expressions out of different people.


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