Polar Opposites: Old and New

My idea of polar opposites was young and old. The Jeep on the bottom is a 1990 Jeep that my dad has owned for a while now and was his first car. The Jeep on the top is a 2001 Jeep was recently bought by my friend's dad. My original idea was to take both photos during the day but then something came up where the jeep on the top was not available till later. This gave me the idea of having another polar opposite light and day which played another aspect into the photo. While editing the two photos, I thought of the idea of making one photo in black and white to give it an older aspect but also gave me an idea of another polar opposite, color and black and white. This plan for the photo was not set in my original concept but evolved while taking the photos and while editing. I am happy with how it turned out and think the ending result makes the photos look better. 


  1. Fun concept and I like the color vs black and white you posted. Thank you.


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